Monday, February 4, 2013

Best 2013 Super Bowl Car Commercials

The Super Bowl is that one time of year where manufacturers provide the first of their best car commercials that will be on sale that upcoming year. And since airtime during the biggest game of the year doesn't come cheap it's usually only the bigger companies with something special to offer. This was clearly seen last night as the top cars for sale companies like Dodge, Toyota, Audi, Lincoln, Jeep, and others found a way to get at least one spot to advertise a specific vehicle.

So I thought it would be fun to take the time to list the five greatest automobile ads from last nights Super Bowl game. It's worth mentioning that this was not easy by any means, as there were a number of great commercials to choose from. Unfortunately, only five can make this years list, so here we go!

Top 5 Super Bowl Car Commercials

1. Ram Trucks "God Made a Farmer": Originally when this commercial aired I was quite sure of it's importance, nor did I know it was a car ad until they finally showed the new Ram Truck a few times. However, no other commercial was able to show as much appreciation to one man in Paul Harvey and group of farmers who are too often overlooked.

2. Jeep "America Will Be Whole Again": This ad was very close to taking the number one spot on this, as everyone loves a patriotic commercial (and Oprah). My only gripe is that it took even longer than the Ram ad to find out that Chrysler was behind such a heart warming commercial. 

 3. Audi "Prom": In my mind there are few better cars than an Audi, and seeing this commercial not only made me laugh, but agree with the message. That being that the new Audi cars elegance and thrill grant owners a new found confidence and  changes their all together.

4. Hyundai "Team": The Hyundai commercial was possibly the funniest auto commercial from the Super Bowl, as I'm sure there are few people would agree. If more kids had friends like that I'm sure we could probably see a decrease in bullying.

5. Volkswagen "Get In": Some people might say that this ad was offensive, but I personally found it hilarious. By having people talk in Jamaican accents to illustrate happiness was an interesting angle, and having the 2013 Volkswagen Beetle the center of that much joy made it even better.  

I'm sure that some people may be wondering about the Lincoln and Mercedes-Benz commercials, and I must say that they were very close to making the list. The only problem is that I feel like I've seen the Lincoln ad prior to the Super Bowl and the Mercedes ad just lacked some of the amusement that the other had. Hopefully, next year there will be even more great car commercials to look into, as well as some of the others that will debut this year.  

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